Chat Policy
The following policies apply to all official NodeCore chat areas across all platforms.
- Treat other members and moderators with respect.
- No spam, illegal content, or NSFW content.
- No offensive/degrading terms, or otherwise hateful comments; membership in the offended group does not excuse this.
- No trolling or inciting controversy (such as politics, religion, etc).
- No dating, role-playing or excessive intimacy in chat.
- Rule violations may result in penalties or restrictions at discretion of moderators.
- Moderators have final say in rule enforcement, including interpretation of rules.
- Rules may be updated by moderators at any time as needed; members are responsible for keeping up to date.
- Attempting to circumvent moderator actions is disallowed.
- Message editing and deletion are for correcting honest mistakes only, not for evading detection, or altering the record of discussions.
- Excessive name changing, or public communication via nickname or status changes is disallowed.
- No posting of personally-identifying information without explicit consent.
- All activity in public chats is considered public.
- Any activity may be monitored, logged or audited by platforms, moderators, or other members.
- Any activity be bridged to other public chat platforms, and subject to different privacy policies.
- Moderator power/jurisdiction may be limited, all participants join chat at their own risk.
- Some features, such as usernames/nicknames, avatars, presence/status, reaction emotes, message edits or deletions, may not be represented equally on all bridged platforms.
- Message edits and deletions do not erase all records of the original message.
- Mature language or topics may be allowed, within reasonable limits (mostly in off-topic channels). Reader discretion is advised.
- Copypasta, non-topical memes, and random images are discouraged.
- Gameplay spoilers should be marked as such, and avoided in public chats where possible.
- Limit use of non-bridged platform-specific features (e.g. reaction emotes) to uses non-essential for bridged users to follow the discussion.